Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Playing with toys (11/15/11)

While I still have not laughed for Mommy or Daddy (at least no more than a "ahh-goo"), I did amaze my mother by grabbing hold of a toy yesterday. I'm also getting a little chubby. You can see my double-chin... looking more and more like Daddy every day. Unfortunately, you can also see my blue striped diaper. Maybe Mommy should put the camera down and change me first!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

My name is Willa Jane

I really don't know how much Mommy will ever put out here, but because she started a little blog for my older brother, she's at least attempting to do something similar for me.

I am almost three months old already, and though my entry into this world was a rough one, I'm getting more and more predictable every day. I'm sleeping through the night already, going down about 10PM and getting up around 7AM. I'm still in the bassinet, too, since I'm so little. I weighed 7 lb., 4 oz. at birth, and now I weigh a little over 11 lbs. Daddy is in a hurry to get me out of the bedroom, but Mommy says I can stay until I max out the weight limit.

Mommy was gone a good portion of the day due to a toe injury from my older brother. Both my Gammy and my Aunt Leslie came and sat with me today. I think I mostly slept!

I am thisclose to giggling for Mommy and Asher. It will be any day now! I am making little half-laughs now.